Installing Drupal on Hostinger

June 21, 2024

Prepared by: Kim Domenick | Senior UX Engineer | Oomph, Inc.

Installing Drupal on Hostinger

When setting up a hosting account on Hostinger, a series of prompts guides you through selecting a CMS, one of which is Drupal.

They promote Wordpress and their own website builder, but you can see other options and select Drupal as a CMS.

Use the Auto Installer tool from the Websites tab to start the Drupal installation:

Click Select on the Other card.

Search for Drupal and then click Select.

Type a Website Title, Admin email, username and password.  Under the Advanced section, optionally specify an installation path and database options.

Choose a Drupal version, language, PHP version and Application Update settings.  Click Install.

After the installation completes, access your Drupal site on the Websites tab of your hosting Dashboard.